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Tour Control System

Adding Checkpoints"

By adding checkpoints within the tours, the inspection of these points is ensured.

To-Do List

Adding lists within the tours for performing routine tasks.

QR Code and GPS

The points in the tour can be inspected using various methods.

Guard and Security Tour Control System

Incident Reports

Personnel can report incidents in their current location.

Photo Requirement

Adding mandatory photo requirement to desired checkpoints.

Panic Button

SOS button for emergencies.

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Saha Operasyonları Yönetim Sistemi

Kokpit Tech ile operasyonel verimliliği en üst düzeye çıkararak karınızı maksimize edin.

300 +

Lokasyon Yönetimi

Kokpit Tech Saha Operasyonları Yönetim Sistemini kullanan 300'den fazla lokasyon.

5000 +

Mutlu Kullanıcı

Kokpit Tech sistemini kullanan personel ve yönetim kadrosundan toplamda 5000'den fazla kullanıcı.



Kokpit Tech Saha Operasyonları Yönetim Sistemi ile kesintisiz kontrol ve destek hizmetinden yararlanın.

Hedefiniz veya proje boyutunuz ne olursa olsun, %100 memnun kalacağınızı umuyoruz.

Ücretsiz Demo Talebi

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Tour Control System?

    The Tour Control System is a system created to plan routine tasks to be performed in the field for businesses employing personnel across multiple locations or at specific locations. The system presents a list of tasks that need to be performed in line with the business or company's schedule to employees and managers. Thanks to this module, which is vital for field workers, all vulnerabilities that could occur in the field can be instantly monitored.

    Incidents occurring at locations can be instantly viewed and reported through the module. This software, which easily integrates into the core plan of a business, ensures the completion of all necessary tasks within the scope of the service. In this sense, it offers a highly flexible, scalable, and easily updatable infrastructure.

  • What Does Tour Control System Software Do?

    The tour control system is used to determine whether specific locations defined according to the service area of the company or business are being checked within specified time intervals. It aims for