Field Management System

Kokpit Tech is a field management system software that aims to utilize technology to meet the increasing needs of the security industry.

  • Real-time Data
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • 6+ Management Modules
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Field Management System

Our Solutions

Field Management System (FMS) is the easiest way to effectively and efficiently manage your field operations. Explore our various field management system solutions and modules.

Operations Management System

You can customize all the tasks your employees will perform in the field according to your workflow. Kokpit provides detailed information flow for routine tasks, daily tasks, and every incident, according to your preferences.

Operations Management System

Field Audit System

For companies that provide services with multiple field workers, it is essential to monitor the efficiency of their field employees' work and ensure compliance with the rules and agreements with their customers. This can be achieved through a Field Audit System.

Field Audit System

Tour Control System

The Tour Control System is a module designed to plan and ensure the execution of routine tasks in the field. It plays a vital role for field workers by enabling instant visibility and reporting of any vulnerabilities that may occur in the field.

Tour Control System

PACS - Personnel Attendance Control System

It is an application developed to track the working hours, particularly the entry and exit times of field personnel, in companies. The working hours of employees can be tracked on a shift basis.

Personnel Attendance Control System

Visitor Management System

It is an application developed to enable the control and recording of visitors coming to the company by security or receptionists. It allows customization with features such as a blacklist and appointment management.

Visitor Management System

Multi-Location Management

Multi-Location Management allows you to make specific customizations for all your locations. Various tasks such as assigning personnel, creating custom reports, setting up specific alerts, and managing unique shifts can be tailored on a location basis.

Multi-Location Management
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Multi-Location Management

By using the Multi-Location Management module in the Field Management System, you can add all locations of your company to the system and effectively manage them from a single place. This feature enables you to have overall control of your field operations and makes your management processes more efficient.

Location-Based Planning

Planning inspections and incident reports, tours, and to-do lists specific to each location.

Location-Based Customization

Adding users, authorization, and real-time notifications specific to each location.

bekçi tur devriye takip yazılımı

Shift Tracking System

The field management system is an application developed to track the entry and exit times of field personnel, particularly for companies. With this system, the working hours of employees can be tracked and managed on a shift basis.

  • Users can perform shift check-ins and check-outs via mobile devices.
  • Data can be monitored live 24/7.
  • Overtime or undertime can be calculated on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
  • Tolerance can be added to working hours using rounding methods (+,-).
  • Multiple export formats will be available for archiving purposes for companies.

Patrol Tracking

The Patrol Tracking module of the Field Management System is designed to facilitate the planning and execution of routine tasks in the field. It is particularly crucial for security companies as it allows instant monitoring and reporting of security vulnerabilities that may arise during patrols.

  • Patrols and tours can be defined for field service locations from a centralized system.
  • Checkpoints can be set using QR code and GPS technology on mobile devices, and any incidents can be reported instantly.
  • Users assigned to notifications can receive detailed information about the patrols and tours in real-time.
  • In case of immediate threats or hazards, mobile devices can send alerts to all location users and the company's headquarters through an alarm system.
  • Data can be monitored live 24/7.
  • Sample incident reports can be generated for security personnel, and the prepared reports will be instantly shared with relevant individuals at the location.
  • Customers can instantly view activities at their respective locations.
  • Multiple export formats are available for archiving purposes for companies.
bekçi tur devriye takip yazılımı
ziyaretçi yönetim sistemi yazılımı

Visitor Tracking Module

The field management system is an application developed for security companies to track and record visitors coming to the company on behalf of their contracted clients. This system facilitates the monitoring and reporting of the provided information by the companies.

  • Visitors with specific access permissions will be tracked.
  • The desired information for each location can be dynamically added from the central system.
  • Undesired visitor entries can be blocked with a blacklist.
  • Multiple registrations can be made simultaneously with bulk identification.
  • Transactions can be performed among registered individuals with the option of grouping.
  • Company users can create appointments if desired and facilitate the entry and exit of their visitors.
  • Data can be tracked live 24/7.
  • Archiving capability is provided to companies through multi-format data export.


Frequently Asked Questions

This frequently asked questions section, which contains the most frequently asked questions about the field management system, enables users to better understand the field management system.

Kokpit field management system is a Field Management Application designed to control and effectively manage employees, especially for the needs of security companies. It consists of the simultaneous operation of shift, tour, inspection and visitor applications.

  • What is Field Management?

    Field Management is a field that enables the management to take general strategies and decisions more easily and to implement them in the field so that businesses can survive in changing market conditions. Businesses act in a planned manner in order to make profit and maintain profitability. These plans often remain only on the management side and cannot be successfully implemented in the field. In order to achieve the main objectives of the enterprises, it is necessary to communicate the field operations to the management on a daily basis and to make the workflow routine.

    Responsibilities and tasks must be defined from the top to the bottom of the business process and the right control tools need to be successfully integrated into the field. Implementation of field management is a must in order to increase field efficiency performance and make it sustainable.